My love for film is strong, but it wasn’t my first photography love. When I first started out as a landscape photographer my focus was on digital infrared. I was drawn to the unique view that it captures. Last month my two photography loves came together when I was given […]
There was this one scene I wanted to capture. I stumbled upon it walking up Old Man Coniston in the Lake District just before reaching the peak. Out of nowhere (unless you’ve studied an OS map) a body of water appears when approaching from the east. As we reached the […]
Of course, we see in color – but vision is just one part of how we sense the environment and moments. In the mountains I see tremendous peaks, I feel and hear the storms, freeze, and feel emotions from success, failure and intense personal experiences. All that black + white […]
AN HONEST REPRESENTATION Two souls one vessel is a documentary project focusing on capturing the lives of drag queens, trying to tell their stories and create an honest representation of who they are in and out of drag, this series includes male, female and transgender drag queens. Attracted to the […]
TERRAIN This project recently exhibited at the Golborne Gallery, London ROAD TRIP All the photographs in this project were taken over a week-long period whilst traveling from Los Angeles to East Arizona, and back again. Something that really struck me when traveling through this part of the American West was how […]
Violin TECHNICAL INFO Film Used: ILFORD HP5 Plus 400 Format 120 (6*6) Camera Hasselblad 503CW Lens: Planar 80mm f/2,8 CF lens and Makro Planar T* CF 120mm f/4 Exposure time Double exposure (f/5,6 1/30s) Location: Petrozavodsk (Russia) TELL US THE STORY BEHIND VIOLIN. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO SHOOT IT? I have been working with the Karelian […]
OPPORTUNITIES Now and again in life opportunities arises that you just have to take. You know, the ones that if you think about for too long will be missed, so you have to jump in with your best foot forward, or in this case with your best film forward. This happened […]
LONDON FASHION WEEK Earlier this year I shot my fifth season of London Fashion Week. I’ve been trying to incorporate new and different styles into my fashion photojournalism work, in order to stand out and also to exercise my own creativity. I’ve been shooting at London Fashion Week for about […]
PEPPERWOOD 1 – CLYDE BUTCHER TECHNICAL INFO PEPPERWOOD REDWOOD FOREST #1 Avenue of the Giants State Park, California 8×10 inch Deardorf view camera 90 Snyder Super Angulon XL lens no filter Delta 400 film f/45 exposure: 10 minute Printed on: ILFORD Multigrade fiber base TELL US THE STORY BEHIND THIS BEAUTIFUL IMAGE Long before I became a photographer, the redwood forests of California […]